The car line will be open from 7:05 am to 7:30 am. During the first 2-3 weeks of school, the morning line may be longer than usual. We ask for your patience and adherence to the car line procedures to help this process move as efficiently as possible.
Morning Car Line Procedures:
- Please move all the way around the car line area to the cone marked #1.
- As you fill in the line please move close to the car in front of you leaving very little gaps.
- Student should exit on the passenger side of the vehicle. It is unsafe and slows the line down when students exit from the driver's side.
- Please remain in your vehicle. Students should exit the car on their own. However, if your student needs assistance put on your flashers. This will indicate to a staff member to assit your student. Staff members will not open the car door of every car in line. This slows down the process.
- Students will walk along the side walk by the 3-5 building and enter through the cafeteria doors (this is the same pattern we used last year). If your student does not need to eat breakfast he/she will move through the cafeteria and head directly to their classroom.
- It is imperative that students do not walk between cars in the car line. They must move to the side walk as quickly as possible.